Where to show, get grants, residencies and opportunities:
www.callforentry.org (CAFE)
Local Art:
The Art Department/ Showcase Art Center 1335 8th Avenue, Greeley
University of Northern Colorado Mari Michener Gallery, Oak Room, Center
Union Colony Civic Center (Tointon Gallery)
Dragon's Cache, 1109 7th Street, Greeley 970-353-1051
The Madison & Main Gallery, An Artists' Cooperative Gallery, Greeley, CO
Our Neighbors in Northern Colorado
Thompson Valley Art League, Loveland, CO, www.Lincoln_Gallery.com
The Art Center of Estes Park, CO, www.Art_Center of Estes.com
Longmont Artist Guild, Longmontartistguild@gmail.com (LAG You Tube channel)
Art Mentors, Guides, Magazines, and inspiration:
Artbizsuccess.com (Alyson Stanfield)
ArtsyShark.com (Carolyn Edmond)
MattTommeymentoring.com (Christian based)
Strathmoreartist2.com (free workshops)
Based on Media:
Web Site builders for Artist:
FASO.com (Fine Art Studios Online)
FineArtAmerica.com (prints on demand)